What Is Cosmic Energy Meditation And What Are Its Benefits?
We all become stuck in life at times, and no force on this planet seems to be able to aid us. That is when you must start cosmic energy...
What Is Cosmic Energy Meditation And What Are Its Benefits?
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Yoga History for the Curious
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Thao Dien Eco Wellness story
Niyama #2 - Santosha - Contentment
Niyama #1 - Saucha - Cleanliness
Yama #5 - Brahmacharya - non-excess - Unity with Supreme
Yama #4 - Aparigraha - Self-reliance (noncovetousness)
Yama #3 - Asteya - Abundance (non stealing)
Yama #2 - Satya - Truthfulness
Yama #1 - Ahimsa - Kindness (nonviolence)
Shank Prakshalana - the intestinal washing with saltwater
Jala Neti Kriya - the purification of the nose