Dear Noble Sangha,
With a sense of gratitude and happiness and joy I would remind you that for our Today Sangha Meeting in our Sitting meditation section we will focus on the Mindfulness of the breath. as a foundation for establishing the practice of Mindfulness.
Attached is a file " Why Sangha" where we can read about the meaning and purpose of Sangha from "Master Thich Nhat Hanh".
Please few reminders,
if possible try to arrive 5/10 minutes before the start, 5:30
If you previously had experienced difficulties in sitting comfortably try to arrive earlier and fix your posture/sitting, consider to use a chair or bring a cushion, mat, from home.
Make sure your self phone is in Silent mode once you are in the room.
If you find it appropriate try to identify an aspiration of your time of today together with the sangha.
Regards from Fabio